I’ve heard about guys who say they’re into hypno. I’m not going to lie, it seemed a bit silly to me at first. But after many years of being around the scene and becoming exposed to new and fun experiences, nothing seems silly anymore. And it took a slave I was chatting with online to pique my interest. Just as a Dom/sub relationship takes a bit of roleplay, so can hypno.
Three audio files I can’t take any credit for–I didn’t make them, and I was able to trace them back to this tumblr post. It offers two hypno tracks and a bonus track, all of which are 50+ minutes long, which you could easily leave on repeat play or make a playlist. I must say, hearing these on some headphones while tied up and edged or “forced” to suck cock would be quite the mind trip.
The first is the “kinder” one of the two, called “fagnosis“. The hypno part begins about 3 minutes in. A more intense, aggressive text is given with “fagwashing“. And if you find the text is not your thing, but you enjoyed the sexy background noise, that’s offered as a separate track as “fags“.
Also good for videos is the PornHub channel hypnoticbatefuel. He has a number of hypno vids, most averaging about 15-20 minutes. To sample, I present his “Foot slave hypno”, “Submission is pleasure hynpo”, and his longest vid at 47 minutes, “Edging hypno for faggots”. All seem to encompass a variety of slave topics, which is both a blessing (nice to have all around submission) and a curse (a bit distracting if you wanted to focus on one aspect). He has a variety of topics: man stink/armpits, glory hole, nipple play, “dumb jock”, horny for master, puppies, poppers, worshiping cock, and more.
Any of those vids could be played with just the audio. I’m having a vision of trying someone to my bondage board like this, where there’s a rope connecting the collar to the board, running underneath his body, and back up to his balls, forcing his head down. And then placing an iPad playing one of those vids underneath him to watch. That’d be quite the experience, wouldn’t it?

Minor update: I did get to try it out (in a standing position), and it went quite well, as you can see
I’m so glad you’ve done a post on this subject. As someone who is into feet and hypnosis is quite prevalent in the fetish world – you’ve just got to know where to look. Sadly, there’s not a lot in visual material for feet related hypno per say but there’s a lot of erotic literature about it and it’s fun to role play both in a cyber and real life context.