Some of you may be wondering, “Why is TFG starting another blog, when he hardly used the one he has now?” Good question, with a few answers. Mainly, the website & blog are from the same server, so I was planning on just canceling both, rather than trying to keep one open. Blogs aren’t all that difficult to find, as you can see. I know this one’s a little plainer, but I’m trying to streamline things a bit anyway.
Why am I even changing the site so much? I’ve basically just outgrown it. It was with Tripod, and I’ve totally had a great run with them, and their site builder is a great tool. But the site was just becoming too big, and I just wanted to try new things. Problem is, they spoiled me so much, I’m having some trouble doin’ it on my own. I really hope I can get this figured out.
Also, I’m ready to get a bit more personal here. Especially now that I’m single again. Plus, I do have a fairly wicked sense of humor that never really came out on the site. I want to incorporate that a bit more.
Another item holding up my time is my other website project, completely separate from my personal webpage. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I didn’t think it’d be this hard, either. I think I’m closer to making it happen, but there are still some unknown factors that are holding me back… this project takes quite a bit of personal investment, so I want to be careful with my options.
On Tuesday, I went to Hurricane Harbor (local water park). I’m actually not much of a swimmer (I can swim, I just don’t like to), mainly because it wrecks havoc with my contact lens (which I am quite blind without. Some people have suggested I should wear goggles–now come on, when was the last time you saw a hot guy at a water park wearing goggles?). Boy, there is nothing like looking at teen boy feet, slim chests, boi feet, sexy legs, boy toes, twink bodies, and soft, wet soles. Sucks that most of them are way too young for me… but it’s still great just looking. Went to the amusement park next door, and still found lots of guys in flip-flops. The fun just never ends!