Okay, people, I know the site isn’t up yet, but I’m goin’ off to vacation as of tomorrow… as in, out of town. I’ll be back my Sunday. There’s a small chance the site may pop up while I’m gone… I actually think I’ve upload the site okay, I should just be waiting for a DNS transfer to go through. Then again, I really have no idea what I’m talking about. Well, if it does come up, enjoy! If not… I’ll look at it when I return.
Back to personal stuff… that new guy I was talking to I already decided was not quite boyfriend material. I do think he is friend material, though. We get along too well to not keep in touch. He’s actually a bit bummed out, as he was way into me already. Can you blame him? And he wasn’t even a foot guy! At least, not that I know of. His fetish seemed to be suits. Whatever floats your boat!