It’s been a frantic few days. First off, I took an intensive workshop based on Bob Fosse. It was a lot of fun, but some grueling days. We did learn one of my favorites, Rich Man’s Frug, from Sweet Charity. It calls for the men to smoke. Now, those who know me know I am a very staunch non-smoker, so that was interesting. Fortunately, the cigarettes were not lit, but I still have to say that it was the first time in my entire life that I’ve even held a cigarette, let alone put one in my mouth. Anyway, it was a two day, 14 hour workshop that was good, but wore me out. Still, I got through it, and had a great time.
A couple days ago I got the work that our family cat died fairly suddenly. She had been around for 15 years, since I was a teenager! My family has always had cats for as long as I can remember, and this is the first period without one. They will get another one eventually, but for the moment, it is pretty quiet at my parent’s house.
The main thing at the moment is that I will be off to Vegas soon (like, within 1/2 hour) with some (straight female) friends. No real reason to go, just for fun! My last big trip before work starts again. We’re actually interested in seeing a topless show (of women!), just to get a feel for “classic” Vegas. Even I think that could be fun. I’m tempted to go dancing at Krave Saturday night, but we may be too exhausted… we’re going to be leaving early Sunday morning, and I have to do all the driving. So we’ll see how it goes.
For some reason, I thought school started for me next week, but in fact I actually have one more week off. And I have no real plans yet! Though some ideas are starting to form… especially museums, hiking, and tryng to visit more friends that I don’t get to see often enough. Maybe a bootie call/foot play, too!