So it’s sort of no real secret that I’ve been interested in meeting new guys–both for booty/foot calls, as well as possible relationships. Well, long story short, I’ve meet a fun guy that may be possible relationship material. The sappy part: we met on I know, I know. I basically did it as a lark. But lo & behold, I’ve run across some of the most interesting guys from there (for relationship/dating, of course, not booty/feet). Who knew?
After a few humorous emails, and a couple of 2 hour + phone conversations (giddy like high school girls), we had our first face-to-face meeting last night. Tom arrived at 4:30. First, I gave him a quickie tour of my apartment (literally… no kinky metaphor here). Then off to dinner at a local Italian restaurant, Miceil’s, where the waiters sing. Fun! He likes to sing, so I knew he’d enjoy that. Spent about an hour and half here, with some fun conversation to boot. Then took a small walk around a local park. Visited back to the apartment, where we had some tea, more conversation, and discussed music. We both have a very sassy, sarcastic, & biting sense of humor, so it was all quite eventful and entertaining. Then, at just the right time, began a 2 hour + make out session. We were very good bois, keeping our clothes on. But it was still pretty great, let me tell you. By the time he left, it was after 11:oo pm. Whew!
I have pics of him, but out of respect for his privacy, I won’t post them. So here’s just a random hot celebrity with a similar look (David Gallagher) to keep you interested.
He is a 31 y.o., blond/blue, slim. He has a bit of a nerd/geek look to him, but… that is a huge turn on for me. Love that look, really!
Today he already had plans with some other friends, but we are meeting again Sunday for a theater outing, possible lunch beforehand. While we are getting along great, I’m remaining cautious… after all, we haven’t even known each other a full week yet, so there’s still a lot of time ahead. Obivously, it’s way to early to tell if this can work out in the long run, particularly as a relationship (gotta love that “honeymoon stage” of relationships), but it does seem pretty safe to say that we will at least remain good friends, if nothing else. But I think there’s a pretty good chance for more. We’ll see! In a no-holds-barred moment, I already told him about my foot fetish (although not the website yet… give a little more time before that comes up). He didn’t seem to mind it, although he claims his feet aren’t all that attractive. He says they’re thin & flat footed. Granted, I haven’t seen them for myself yet, but my first reaction is, “Who cares?”