So what happened with Tom? Nothing yet, we’re fine. We haven’t seen each other since those great, invigorating dates, because of work schedules, and he has out of town plans with his family this weekend, through Monday. I still hope to connect with him sometime next week.
At the same time, I still have an ad out, and don’t mind meeting new people. I was very good, and told the guy last night that I am currently dating, and that it would be platonic until I really knew what was happening with Tom (it has only been a week with him, you know). He didn’t seem to mind that. We dined, and while it was no 7 1/2 hour extravaganza, it was a 3 1/2 hour time of great, easy-going conversation. Not quite as cute as Tom, but still attractive. To be quite honest I find the new guy (Brian) a bit more of relationship potential, as he seems a bit more mature, which is quite attractive to me as far as LTR’s are concerned. I think Tom is on the cusp of being mature, but is not quite there yet. Although we do have a great energy together.
Okay, I guess you really want some pics. Hey, I can understand that. Have you seen that they’ve started a new website called Bare Foot Bound? It’s as if they knew my weak spot! They even have one picture that is remarkably similar to one of my fantasies I have listed on my webpage… have they been spying on me?
Have fun, guys!
Hey, I thought of that pose first!
Naughty BareFootBound people… this is what I’d like to do to them! Or would I let them do it to me? Seriously, I think it’s a totally hot idea. Wished I had the resources to do it first!