There’s a new preview pic from BareFootBound. I’m posting it here too, because I think it’s so totally hot. It’s a bit blurry because I blew it up a little. Even though you can’t see the entire picture, I hope you realize the guy on top is tied to a different guy’s feet–he’s not a contortionist. Man, am I drooling. I would’ve never even thought of this pose, but now that I see it, I practically can’t get it out of my head. I seriously don’t work for these guys, but when I see something I like, I’m gonna share it. I don’t have a membership yet, but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.
I may treat myself around the holidays.
BTW, sorry I haven’t really been updating the website lately. I really want to figure out why certain images are loading… and that hasn’t been easy. I don’t have a lot of time this weekend, but I may have some next weekend… so if we’re lucky, there may be some up then–whether I figure out that detail or not.
Talked to Tom briefly last night. This is the guy from the 7 1/2 hour date. It was an interesting, and ultimately very happy, conversation. I was gearing up to tell him that I was meeting other guys to date, but then he surprised me by telling me the same! If fact, he’s dating someone else a bit more exclusively. Although I had/have a great chemistry with him, I was having doubts as it whether it could be an LTR or not, so I’m actually semi-relieved to hear it. I think we actually may make better friends than boyfriends. So no problems. Now I can only hope Brian (the 3 1/2 hour date) is a bit more interested in seeing me again. I know he liked me, but since I had established a boundary, I’m not certain how invested he’d want to become. Not that I want to be his BF right now… I mean, we only had one date. But I would like to see if there is potential there. My gut says there may be, but obviously we need to get to spend more time together before anything is really known.
Oh, I haven’t heard from “Bill”, the guy from my foot/sex date I wrote about previously. But I knew I wouldn’t… he said he’d be going to New York for a while for work. I’m really not sure if I’ll hear from him again or not… you know how those one night stands are. I’m not really expecting to. But if I do… you will be amoung the first to know.