Today’s my birthday. Didn’t actually do too much today, as most of my festivities were last night. Had a nice dinner and gathering of some friends. Nothing extraordinary, but as we get older (I don’t mind saying it–35), it’s the simple things you start to appreciate more.
Not a whole lot else to report at the moment… expect that I found a picture that is very similar to that college guy I keep ranting about from previous posts with the hot lookin’ feet (Jason, from the post below, as a matter of fact. So use your imagination and pretend the feet below go with the face to the left). Again, it’s not him… but it looks a lot like him… minus the cowboy hat. Now you can see why I am drooling over him so much. It’s all about the eyes.
Interestingly enough, I got a lot of matches for relationship stuff just today, on the B-Day. Not many of them appealed to me much, but it was an interesting development. Still may try to make some meets… we’ll see. No rush. I’ve got enough on my plate at work as it is.