So I’ve already had date #2 with Sam last night, and there is no sign of anything slowing down yet. In fact, when I called him, and he asked, “So what are your plans for the week?”, I replied, “To see you as much as possible”, with him responding, “I had the same thought”, I’m guessing that means things are going well. I don’t want to say it’s love at first sight, but it feels pretty dang close. I’m trying very hard to keep sensible about this, and not really rush into anything. But it is quite head over heels right now–for both of us!
All date #2 consisted of was simply him over at my place, and conversation. Yeah, some making out too… but we have still kept all our clothes on, and we haven’t even groped below waist level (although we’ve grinded a bit ). We are really trying to save ourselves so that it’s special. Sappy, eh?
Don’t get me wrong… lots of sexual talk has come up. And he surprised me a bit by telling me some of his own bondage experiences, a couple of which made even me blush! *whew* And he looks like such a nice boy, too. I love it. And I found out that even when manhandled through a shirt, his nipples are very sensitive. Fun, fun, fun! If we can, we are even going to try and meet again tonight (I do have to work today, so it will have to wait until later tonight).
Does this mean I’m off the market? Still too early to tell, but with date #3 looming in as many days, I’m leaning towards a yes.