Okay, first… pics, pics, pics… then a life update…
BTW, this cutie with the shirt off is Tyler Hoechlin, a cast member of the TV show 7th Heaven. A terrible show, with some nice eye candy, as you can see.
So sorry I haven’t written anything here in a while. Believe it or not, things with Sam have continued to go very well… which, I have to say, is the main reason I haven’t written more here! What can I say, I continue to be amazed by this guy. I did tell him about this & my website… so I can’t say too much, he may be reading this! (Nothing but glowing stuff, honey! Heh heh heh.) I want to say more, so much more, but I also will respect his privacy, as well as the privacy of our relationship.
I do feel proud to say that we haven’t given into full temptations yet, and clothes have remained on (well, for the most part). However, this is not to say we have been prudes. A fair amount of… well… expression of passion has been going on. Okay, making out. And there was quite a little bondage adventure/experiment a night ago… but I don’t want to give anything else away. Suffice to say, I’m having a good time, and have a lot of hope for the future with this guy. Not only do we have what appears to be a fiery sexual chemistry (he has indulged me in my foot fetish… very nice, and we both like bondage), but personality/hobbies/interests are also on par. *sigh*
Also back to work. Although we still try to see each other on weeknights when possible. Now that’s how you know I’m into him… I usually never bother going out on weeknights. In any case, I have a small event to put on later this week, so I’ll be busy with that too. But amazingly enough, Sam and I both have the next, upcoming weekend free, so we’re planning on spending even more time together. Whee!