Yes, it’s still been very busy around here. First event happened recently… overall, things went well, but the day did keep me very busy. Still have a lot of work to do as I retool details.
Saw Sam yet again last night. (In fact, due to both of our work schedules, it was the first time we got to see each other practically all week.) Had a great time relaxing and walking around some local gardens, ran over to Universal Studios for a quick ride on T2:3D (we both have Annual Passes). Then went home for “shenanigans”… I got him hogtied, nipple clamped, and balled tied tied, and then he got me Mummified in Saran Wrap, whipped my balls & cock, and made me suck on his feet. We were pretty tempted to take some pictures then & there, but we were enjoying ourselves too much to bother at the moment. But hopefully later.
We do have some plans for tomorrow… but it’s a simply a very low key dinner (although at quite a nice restaurant), due to our work hours. We will be going out of town for the upcoming weekend, so that’s the main celebration, as far as we’re concerned.