Not that we had split… well, we had, but only in the geographic sense. He’s been off working in New York and other places for about a week and a half. He just got back yesterday. While I love being with him, I also have to say that it was sort of nice being to myself again. I can function pretty well as a solitary creature, if I do say so myself. In any case, I’ll be catching up with him again this weekend, and making up for many, many, impure thoughts.
On the more vanilla end of things, we will both be going Sunday night to Knott’s Berry Farm’s Halloween Haunt. If you’re not a SoCal local, you’re missing out. This was the original Haunted theme park, and it’s still one of the best (although I have never done Island of Adventure in Florida, which I hear is now eclipsing Knott’s. Even if it does, Knott’s was doing it for nearly 25 years before, which still makes it #1 to me). And I am fortunate enough to get Monday off work, so I can sleep in! Although Sam still has to work.
Work is going well, and I’m involved in a myriad of activities. But I guess I just like keeping busy, so that’s how it goes. It will bring in some small extra money, in any case. Plus, my car is now paid off, so that’s one less thing on my list!
I’ve been uploading some of my TFG videos onto YouTube, but YouTube seems pretty conservative about stuff, and two have been taken down. It really only seems to be a matter of time before my account there becomes suspended. Surprisingly, it really doesn’t bother me much… after all, they’re a free enterprise who can set their own rules. So whatever. But at the same time, I do wish they’re “what’s allowed” list was a bit easier to follow. None of the videos I posted had any nudity, or bad language. So why were they taken down again? Hmmm.