…the above caption would also be a good heading.
Okay, this picture is not me, but it is a fun statement.
So since the holidays, Sam & I have been breaking in some new “toys” we’ve bought each other. And yes, there has been much picture taking abounding. A lot of it is on his camera, but some are on mine. I’m still working on the pics, but eventually I’ll make a gallery.
To begin with, I will regale you with a summery of some vacation sex while in Florida. A chair in the hotel room got some good use when Sam tied me to it. He sat casually on a sofa, lying back and feeding me his feet from it. Then he gagged me with one of my worn socks (nice and smelly from a day’s use), making sure the toe was over my nose, so that I could get a good whiff every time I breathed. Then he put clothespins on my tits. I remained like this as he wrapped his lips around my cock and sucked until I came.
Here’s a pic of one of his gifts to me (and yes, that is me wearing it):
He enjoyed this quite a bit. The rope you see by my head was tied to a bar on the metal canopy frame bed I have (Yes, I planned my furniture around my kinks). Later, he tied my balls to my ankles, forcing me to “squat” my legs to the floor, while the rope by my head prevented me from any real relief.
After playing with this, he later undid the neck strap, but kept my arms bound behind me. He then used one of my gifts to him, specialized tit clamps. They are basically a screw press, and can really put the pinch on tits. (See them at http://www.wartenbergwheel.com/WWC-squeeze.htm#Nipple%20Clamp%20Set). He used these on himself for a bit, while I watched, bound and helpless. Sam can really take some tit torture, and he has fantastic, meaty nipples to prove it. Heh heh heh.
Lastly, he released me from the leather and then wrapped me in saran wrap, and indulged me in one of my fantasies, a duct tape mummification. (And yes, this pic is also me!) He did keep my hard dick out for him to abuse and suck on, and tied my balls tight with a leather strap. It was pretty great, although there were some minor distractions (a stray pube got caught on the tape, and some of the tape over my shoulders caught on my skin. Neither was unbearable, but was some discomfort at times).
Suffice to say, a good time was had by all. It continued today, as he also indulged in another one of my gifts to him: tools to create his own dungeon furniture. From the same company as above (www.wartenburgwheel.com) you can purchase hooks to screw (no pun intended) into any wall, furniture, etc. Since Sam is an amateur handyman, he had a field day with this, and created an original piece of equipment. But more on that later… after all, those pics are on his camera.
On a non-sexy, regular life note, we did go out to see the movie Pan’s Labyrinth last night. It was very good, and I recommend it. New Year’s will be a relatively quiet event… just dinner and a movie with some friends. But that’s how I like it.