Well, the biggest event of the year for me was finished about two weeks ago. I’ve had some time to catch my breath, but now the “regular” busy season begins. I’ll be heading off to San Diego for a job on Saturday, and then be staying the night to do some more work at a workshop all day Sunday, to drive back to Los Angeles (about a 2 hour drive) and prepare for the regular work week! I love it when I get no time off.
I’ll basically be having work of some sort or another for nearly every Saturday between now and the middle of May. No exaggeration. So, while I know it’s been a while since my last update, to be frank, it’ll probably be another while before the next one. But whenever I get a moment, I’ll continue to post here with minor updates!
On a personal note, I took a class in Taiko drumming! That’s Japanese drumming, for those who don’t know. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try, and a new workshop is beginning in an area local to me! It meets once a month. That’s not very much, but for my busy schedule, that actually works out about right! It was a real workout for my arms, and I have to say that they are still feeling it days later. But it was worth it!