I don’t usually speak about politics here, but I think this is interesting. If you haven’t heard, eHarmony is being sued for not having equal access to gays. For those who don’t know, I mean Sam on match.com, which is gay inclusive. Before I settled on match (which I would personally recommend out of all the gay internet personals I happened to run across), I tried eHarmony, and was surprised to find it was purely for heterosexuals. I have since learned that their owner is a Born Again Christian. Not that I have anything against that, but as a fairly dedicated atheist who finds that many (although certainly not all–I do have religious friends who are quite devout) fanatically religious people (and if you’re Born Again, chances are you’re fairly fanatical) seem to have very narrow world views that often include homophobia. Their defense is that their questionnaire that they offer is only calibrated to heteros, and not homos. That may be true enough, but I do have to wonder how much time they have given to creating an equivalent questionnaire.
Even though the gay community has come so far, there are always reminders on how much still needs to be changed. And let me reiterate that I am not an anti religious person. Despite my personal views, I do not subject others to them… I feel religious is a very personal choice that speaks to each person differently. But I am anti-religious when I feel that a religion has clouded over a person’s own judgment, and dictates rules without allowing a person to step back and see if those rules are still relevant. It’s fairly common knowledge that the Bible is wrong and contradictory on many counts, but is still held as an unapproachable doctrine that isn’t questioned. That never seems like a good idea. Even the Constitution is questioned.
I have to say that the TV show “Bullshit” had a great episode on the Bible, and the Julia Sweeney show “Letting Go of God” (yes, that Julia Sweeney of “Pat” fame–her show is available on her website and it’s fantastic) have been very influential in cementing feelings I’ve pretty much always had. If you don’t agree with me, view/listen to one or both of them, and then get back to me. And if you still don’t agree, at least then I’ll respect you for taking the time to listen intelligently to an opposing viewpoint.
[end of soapbox]
Okay, even I’m not sure where all of that came from, but it felt good to say. Sam is out of town for the week, and I am busy finishing up work, which ends this week as well. I have free time, but I do have to admit that I’ve been a bit lazy about putting together a website update. But one will be coming soon, I promise. I should have enough pics for one.
Last night I went to see a small play written by one of my ex’s. It was cute & funny. This Friday night, the imitable Kathy Griffin is playing locally, but no one I know can go with me (Sam will still be out of town, returning to Los Angeles about half-way through her show). I’m debating if I’ll go alone–if I can get cheap enough tickets, I may do so.
I will be working a bit on the weekends teaching some workshops and special events, but many of my weekdays will be entirely free during the next couple of weeks. If I don’t get a web update by then, it’ll never happen. So cross those sexy toes! And thanks for putting up with a minor rant.