Sorry I haven’t been posting lately! The main reason is that, well, everything has been pretty status quo for the most part. Work is going smoothly overall, things are good with Sam, and there just hasn’t been much extra ordinary to write about.
Last week, I did get sick, and that made me miserable for a few days, and lingered for a few days after. Now that I’m getting over that, I’m having to deal with the miserable weather and, well, all those fires that you’re probably hearing about in SoCal. I haven’t been affected directly at all as I’m really not near any of the fire areas (and neither is anyone I know, thank goodness), but the fires are close enough for all the smoke to create a hazy, ashy air that makes for some pretty bad breathing. Not healthy at all, but with so many people being evacuated and losing homes, I really shouldn’t complain.
This upcoming weekend I’m celebrating my birthday, as it’s coming up soon. Will be going to a museum, and dinner with friends. Low key, but sounds good. I was tempted to visit a local amusement park with a Halloween Haunt event, but it was very close to the fires, and while not directly damaged (that I know of yet), there would be plenty of smoke, so I’m thinking about passing. We’ll see.
Can you believe that in just about two months, it’ll be Christmas? Egads, I’d better start shopping!