So for me, this is a late entry. I only “discovered” my fetish for lycra, wetsuit, and superhero play in the last couple of years. But I’m doing my best to make up for lost time! While I still don’t own an actual wetsuit, I do have plenty of superhero and lycra outfits. Currently, I’m up to 2 Robins (different styles), 4 Spidermans (one classic, one black, and two with no feet–one of which is so I can wear it as an actual costume in the “real world”), 1 solid black lycra suit (no hands, feet, or hood), and 1 lycra bodybag. I also have two more on the way… one fancier Spidey, and one shiny black Venom Spidey.
In any case, my personal collection of lycra and superhero isn’t too vast as of yet. But I’m always looking to add more, and I’m hoping this grows quite a bit in the next year, especially since my BF got me some website subscriptions as a holiday gift.