Sometimes the guy is just as hot as the feet, right?
As for me, a small update. Tonight is the big show I’ve been preparing for. (I’m in a show for the first time in nearly 10 years, if you didn’t know. And I’m working barefoot.) Not too nervous… my part is fairly small. That said, I do have a couple of solos. But my feet have taken a beating, and it will be a bit before they return to their smooth, supple selves. Actually, they didn’t get too bad, aside from a nearly dime-sized blister on one foot, which is already (slowly) starting to heal.
All that said, here’s hoping I break a leg tonight! That’s show biz talk, you know. Should be fun, and looking forward to it. And my BF will be there to see me, his first time seeing me in a professional show! At the same time, I’ll be glad when it’s over… I’m also putting on a show, which goes up next week. Rehearsals start Monday, and continue all week. Good thing I like to be kept busy!