Sundays seem to be “share my life” days, so I’m going to continue with that, okay? Don’t worry, there are some sexy bits.
I forgot to mention that recently, my BF and I went indoor skydiving! This is particularly notable for us, because we are generally not the physically adventurous types. We’re generally a bit more “dweebish” about our interests. A big night out for us is usually an independent movie. So this was quite a step out of the box for us! It didn’t hurt that we had a very cute (and nice) young hot latino instructor. But even aside from that, we enjoyed ourselves quite a bit! We would maybe even do it again.
Don’t forget that I’ve added a new feature to the sidebars at the right, formspring! This is where you can ask me any kind of question (anonymously, if you like), and I’ll answer it. I also updated some pics on my About TFG page. Aside from a celebrity pic, they’re all me now!
Gotta sing the praises of PRVRTD, my favorite new blog in a while. I’d love to know more about the author. He doesn’t post a lot, but the post he have are practically taken from my own fantasies. It’s like he can read my mind about what turns me on. I’d love to hear from him if anyone knows him and can pass word along!
I was also noticing that my rating on Best Male Blogs is pretty good. But then I noticed on their homepage, they do have a category for “Top 12 Rated blogs with 50-100 votes”. Currently, #12 has a rating of 3.37. Well, my blog currently has a rating of 3.35 with 47 votes. If you like what I do here, please go vote and put in the good word! I have to admit, I think it’d be pretty cool for a kinky fetish blog to break through.
Can you tell that I tend to be competitive? But also honest. I won’t vote for my own blog. I want this to come from you guys.
On a side note, Best Male Blogs is now also hosting their own blog service. It may be a good alternate to blogger/google, especially if they continue shutting down blogs like they have been. I’ve recently posted a back up blog there, which I’ll use if the worst happens here.
Lastly, don’t forget that I released a new YouTube video. The date is old because I did upload it ages ago, but never made it public until recently. So go enjoy!