So one of my favorite musicians, as you can see in my About Me page, is avant garde singer/performer/artist Laurie Anderson. While she’s not for everybody, this pioneer in spoken word multimedia artistry has always been high on my list of people I’d like to see in concert. In fact, aside from Kate Bush (who doesn’t tour), she’s the only musician on my list that I hadn’t yet seen live in concert. Well, that was remedied a few nights ago thanks to my BF. We went to see her a couple of nights ago, as an early birthday gift from my BF.
It was really quite a spectacular show. She can go from whimsical, to comedic, to insightful in a heartbeat… and sometimes simultaneously. My favorite two lines from the show (which, interestingly enough, were the same two lines a newspaper review also brought up) were incredibly deep and resounding. “They say you die three times. First, when your heart stops. Second, when you’re buried. And third, the last time anyone says your name.” That thought was soon followed by: “What is the last thing you say before you turn into dirt?” Intense stuff indeed, and very thought provoking. Even my BF, who is generally not into modern stuff like this, found himself enjoying the show quite a bit.
Onto website news. If it hasn’t happened already, will be down for about a week or so while they move to a new server. The site has really taken off, and with it came some growing problems. Let’s hope this really does it, as it’s been a fantastic site. I’ll happily await it’s return with toes crossed.
But while that’s down, reader Rick let me know that Guyz in Bondage has returned! I hadn’t head that before. I don’t have much up there yet, but I’ll hope to add to that. Stop by and join in!

With all that said, I may possibly have quite a surprise in store later. Let’s just say that if all goes well, I hope to have a busy day today, and if it goes really well, not only will you hear about it, but there may be pics to go along with it as well. And you will not want to miss them. So don’t go too far away!