Pics, people send me pics! All reader’s feet today. We start off with some intense foot bondage from Ivan.
Next, the feet from one of my new favorite sexy twinks in England, Josh.
Blackbird, who sent me this pic ages ago, and I’ve been holding on to it this whole time. I didn’t forget about you, and you were the inspiration for this post!
And finally, a lycra/zentai guy but I’m slowly getting him to like feet more, MajinPrince. I’ll worship these Prince’s feet anytime!
Hey, it’s time I got a few more contributions around here. So how about the rest of you? Let’s hear from you, the readers! You’ve been seeing my feet for years. I’d like to see some of yours! Send pics my way to Let’s get a whole ‘nother post of this, wouldn’t that be hot?
Also, for me, my vacation time is basically here, and I’m going to celebrate by spending the rest of this week with posts dedicated to my favorite position, the hogtie. I hope you’ll like it!