At the moment, I think one would definitely have to be David Henrie. He is super cute, twinkish, can wear lycra, and has sexy as hell feet. that he can rub all over. The second one is a toss up between Zac Efron and David Gahallager . Zac for obvious reasons… the perfect hunky twink, and also with pretty sexy feet. A great balance between man and boy.
David Gahallager is lesser known, but is a blonde twink. He’s been more shy about his feet, but the few pics we have are pretty promising. I have a weak spot for blondes, and I’ve never actually been with one romantically or otherwise. I’ve noticed blondes in general have extremely sexy feet, and the blonde leg hair only helps. Besides, a blonde would make a nice contrast to David Henrie’s black hair–sort of like one of each. And all three seem like they could have a bit of a cocky edge, where they’d be willing to take you down and service them.