I like to look at younger looking guys, I can’t deny. But most younger guys don’t want anything to do with anyone over 30 or 40. I can’t really blame them… when I was thier age, I didn’t either. I remember that when I was in my teens, 25 sounded so old. When I got to my early 20s, 30-35 sounded so old. Now that I’m 40, all I want to do is see guys that are in their 20s.
I do have to concede that many guys in their 40s (or younger, for that matter, even including teens) are not in the best of shape. And I’m sure the stereotype goes that Older=Out of shape, or, on the other side of things, works out so much they’re overly buff. I’m hoping to prove that a 40 year old can still have the body of a twink, as you can see here:
This is me, and it was taken in the last few weeks. Not to toot my own horn, but I think you can be 40 and still have a body that rivals any 20 year old twink. So you twentysomethings, keep an open mind. There are exceptions to every rule. I hope you agree.
On another note, I have to vent a small frustration. So as you all may know, I run two blogs: this one, and Captured Heroes. And it’s been interesting to see two different personalities of the readers emerge.
Don’t get me wrong, I do receive emails from time to time thanking me for my work, which I do greatly appreciate. There are a few of you that I’ve met and chatted with because of this blog, and I enjoy that a lot. But aside from that, often I feel like I’m posting to a vacuum.
Can the rest of you readers give me some signs of life once in a while? I get more motivated to post when I get some feedback from you guys. Not just this post (although that would be a good start), but all upcoming posts as well. It’s a very simple way to “give back” to me, when I’m donating a great deal of my own time (and receiving no monetary compensation, I may add) and effort. I doesn’t take a lot of time on your part. I’ll be going out of town for work all this week, but I’d love to return to a bunch of comments for the posts that I’ve already set up in my absence. Thanks!
After all, it’s better to say “Thank you” now rather than, “What happened to TiedFeetGuy’s blog? I used to love that!” later.