I know… I hardly ever post videos here.  I find the embedding for Xtube to be a pain, and YouTube videos tend to get taken down or removed frequently.  Nevertheless, I’m going to try to post a few anyway, because it’s a nice change of pace.

First off is an exclusive video sent to me by de_md2, who is a fairly long time contributor whose work never disappoints.  In fact, you often see it floating around on Tumblr.  I think I can say that they basically started here, at my blog.  Enjoy this vid.

By the way… if you subscribbed to my twitter, you already had a sneak preview of that video.  Lucky you!  So why aren’t you following me😉

And now, some other assorted vids I’ve run across.

And how about a trip down memory lane with my friend, fellow blogger, and occasional slave, Restwalker?

So if you’d like to see more, I’ve made a playlist, which you can access by clicking below. There’s nearly 50 videos on the list, and I’m sure there’s more out there.  Hopefully, there aren’t any repeats, but that may happen. If there’s more I need to add, please let me know!

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