So it’s no secret I live in North Hollywood… I list that in just about every social network profile I’m on (although not here, both out of request for my BF, and the fact Los Angeles is easier to identify with international readers, of which I get many). For those who don’t know the Southern California area, it’s just north of Universal Studios Hollywood. Just inside an area known as “The Valley”. My particular area is not really known for anything in particular, although it’s Arts District is growing. Some parts of it are quite nice, and others, not so much. Like most cities, I imagine.
But I’m finding out NoHo (as we locals call it) has quite the perverted side. First of all, I believe Hard Heroes/Can-Am Productions are based here–at least, according to their “Contact Us” page, they are. They do mostly gay-themed wrestling videos, but their Hard Heroes branch focuses on lycra-clad guys. Sometimes wrestling, sometimes bondage. Their works seems good, although they tend to focus on the hunky, muscular guys, which isn’t as much my sort of thing. In any case, that was interesting to find out.
Then I discovered Threshold. This is a pansexual bondage club. My BF and I were briefly members, but due to our schedule, we were never really able to participate in much there. Although it did look like a good club, with private rooms often available for rental. Also, I do know that many other groups host bondage events there quite often, such as Avatar, West Coast Rubber, Anvil, and probably others. It’s all volunteer run, so sometimes it takes a while for things to get processed, but it’s still a great resource.
But now I recently found out that there is another dungeon in the area, Lair De Sade! This group has another large group facility. They seem to cater more to the hetero side of things, although they are open to gay couples.
Just when I thought there couldn’t be any more, I just also ran into Ruffhouse via a local Recon profile. This one was new to me; anyone know more about it?
It also should be noted that the SoCal Men’s Bondage Club also meet in the area. Who knew there was so much perversion in my little hometown?
On a side note, there may be some unplanned stoppages to blog posts. Don’t worry, I’m not intending to quit again. I just have a very, very busy schedule coming up–for oh, about the next four months. Sadly, I’m not kidding or being factitious here. So if there aren’t any updates for days or weeks, don’t fret. I will return. And you can always check my twitter for updates. In fact, you may already be missing a preview video of me there…
Oh, and I’m not usually one to announce this sort of thing… but I do have a free day on Monday. Anyone local wanna play? Hit me up! No promises, but I’d see what I can do…