Ages ago, back before this blog and I only had a Tripod website, I created some various foot videos intended for sale. I probably would have posted them to Clips4Sale or something like that if I had had that option back then. Now, I’ll just do it for free. 😉
So these first three videos are ones I created probably about the early 2000’s. I did them well before I knew anything about gunge or WAM. I had never even seen anything like it before at the time. On reflection, I guess it’s pretty cool I discovered this independently. Even as I filmed them, I sort of thought of them as the hottest things I had filmed at the time. Hope you agree.
This final vid is more recent, as in a few months ago.
During a recent break, I actually took the time to film a number of videos. Many gunge/feet related, but some just feet. So you’ll have some videos from me to look forward too!