So most of these (if not all) are the work of LondonRopeTop. Love his work. As you can see, his work is not limited to just rope.
And a blog update…
So yesterday, I was playing around with something on my blog, and I accidentally hit a button that completely obliterated the template (which is a custom one). So if something about the blog seems a bit “off” to you, that may be why… although I think I have overall done a pretty good job at recovering it. The main thing missing are many of my favorite blogs on my blogroll–for some reason, when I put the template back, they disappeared. If you alert me as to what I need to add, or find any other hiccups, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to fix it! In the meantime, please be patient.
Update: Thanks to reader Bolander and MaleFeet4You (and my own memory), I think I’ve recovered most of my missing blogroll. But if you do still see something missing, let me know.
Also, I do realize the one some posts, the date is running into the text of the post. I’ll see if I can fix it, but if not, we may just have to live with it for a bit. To be honest, I was thinking of doing a new look to the blog sometime this summer… so things may be changing in a few months anyway.
By the way, I have consolidated and updated many of the pages (found in the menu bar at the top of the blog), so feel free to visit them.