So I’m back from my trip! Still catching up on things. Long flight, big time change, and regular work to get back too (which is in the middle of it’s busy season). As it turns out, I didn’t get any sort of opportunity to meet up or play with anyone aside from the BF proper, but there is some promise should I return to England! I know my personal wish list is pretty long (Restwalker, Mutt, LondonRopeTop, KinkyFeet, TieGuyUK… and I know I’m missing many more).
In the meantime, though, I thought I’d share some traveling advice. Since I didn’t find much research about this before, I thought I’d report my own personal findings about traveling with gear. Of course, airport security rules are always subject to change, so it should be noted this was written in April 2012, and that double checking the most updated rules is always a good idea.
But I will say that I’ve successfully traveled both domestically and internationally with basic bondage equipment in my carry on baggage. Nothing too fancy, mind you. I took very basic leather restraints (super cheap ones–we’re talking the kind you’d find at a vanilla porn store–so that in the event they get lost, damaged, or confiscated, I’m not at a severe loss), an inexpensive ball gag, clothespins, rope, and a Lycra hood. Brought along a Spidey outfit for good measure. And not one security person in any country (my travels were in the USA, UK, and Europe) even gave my bag a second glance. It just sailed right through the X-ray machines without any question. It seems they’re now more concerned with sharp objects or weapons, and not objects of restraint.
The travel bag I keep my “on-the-road” bondage supplies in, as well as a lycra hood, hobble belt, and Spidey lycra (bodysuit stuffed inside the hood) |
Oh, and don’t forget to wear that hobble belt! You’ll need to remove it for the metal detectors, but as far as security is concerned, it’s just a belt. And by wearing it, you save a bit of packing space.
Now, I don’t know if I would have risked it internationally, but domestically, I’ve even managed to take a plastic wartenberg wheel (small or large) and riding crop in a carry on and not been questioned, along with a lycra sleepsack. For the record, I’m adding a satin blindfold to the travel kit. It was a freebie at the last hotel I stayed at.
Of course, if you’re willing to check in a bag, you can carry all sorts of supplies that are much more explicit and nefarious (a gasmask comes to mind). But carry on, which is the way I prefer to travel, can be another story, and I wasn’t sure what I could get away with. Well, now we all know. Or at least have a good idea.
If anyone has other tips or experiences in bringing fetish equipment on board planes, domestic or international, please share!