So this contribution is a bit different. I ran across Dominik’s profile while I was visiting Denver some time ago. While we didn’t get to meet, we got to chat for a bit, and I was impressed by how much he enjoyed the blog. It doesn’t hurt that he’s very cute, and has nice feet to boot, as you can see. But he’s really trying to take off a literary blog, and wouldn’t mind a few new visitors.
In fact, if all went according to plan, he’s just posted a new story that, in his words, is “a good representation of my work. Plus it has hot sex. Hell yeah!” Now who am I to argue that?
So take a look over at Literary Violation, and be sure to say hi for me, because he’s a fellow pervert like us
Oh, and totally enjoy and get off on him and his feet, too.
Love the bondage work here. Those feet and toes aren’t going anywhere!