Just have to say I appreciate all the kind messages about my return. It’s pretty cool knowing so many of you enjoy this blog. I especially liked this very kind note from reader Alex:
Although I’m not really into feet, I’m a major fan of your blog, thanks so much for doing itIt’s so refreshing and great to see a guy in our age group who’s still super hot and doing super hot things. It’s not ALL about da twinks! Keep it up, if you want to.
Well, I’m not going to lie, I do love me some twinks. But it’s very cool that some of you find me pretty hot, too. Not to toot my own horn, but I do think I look quite a bit younger than my age suggests. Most people think I’m in my early to mid 30s. Not sure what my secret is, just lucky I guess.
Life is going pretty well at the moment. I have to admit, taking a small break recharged me a bit. Quite a few interesting things going on right now. I’ll go into detail later, but just to tease you: I’ve been doing some intense cyber slaving, I’m part of a book, and I’m trying to arrange some future meets for play. We’ll see how they go… generally, I’m not too optimistic about the latter.
On an unrelated note, I recently ran into the following picture:
This pic has been on the web for a while. I’ve traced it back to this bastinado site. But here’s the funny part. It’s my feet. From a pic taken from way back in the very, very early days of my website (even pre-dating this blog). Here’s my original pic, taken back in 2003, when digital camera quality wasn’t what it is now.
As far as I can recall, I don’t think I was ever asked permission to have my pic be used. In this particular case, I’m totally okay with it. In fact, I think it’s rather informative and somewhat flattering to have my feet seen as the ideal model for proper bastinado placement.
Just an amusing side note. Now that I am back, it’d be awesome if you can give me 4 or 5 stars at Best Male Blogs. Interestingly enough, for some reason, my blog got fairly popular during my down time. Let’s really crank it up now that I’m active again, shall we? Also, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Visit my Shopping Page (or the ads at the left sidebar) and get yourself some new equipment for the occasion.