So by now you should have noticed I’ve returned. It is possible there still may be a gap in posting here and there, but I would expect fairly regular updates again for the most part.
I won’t go into to much detail, but I will say that work for me was extremely busy and hectic for an extended period. I also had a rather large change in my personal life. But a positive one. Because my BF doesn’t want me reveal too much of myself, I can’t really share much here. However, I will say that I do now find myself in a different part of Los Angeles on a bit of land that we actually now own–which marks a significant evolution in our relationship. It’s been great, but it’s also taken up a lot of my time.
We’re getting things settled now, and my work is beginning to enter a calm stage again. The whole time, though, I’ve been collecting pics, so while I go through some old posts I’ve had sitting around for a while, there will be a lot of new and current stuff coming up.
I also want to thank all of your for your support. I continue to get messages from people telling me how much they enjoy the blog, and I thank you for that. Especially when it’s coming from very hot and young twinks.