Over the years, I’ve actually had a few very kind readers of the blog want to send me items. For privacy reasons, I didn’t want them sent to my home address. Instead I got a PO Box, which has since expired. Recently, however, a couple of people have requested to send items to me, so I’ve got it back up and running again for the next 6 months.
If you have anything you’d like to share with me, drop me an email, and I’ll send you the PO address. I’d love to get a lot of smelly socks, the more rank the better! Gear is always cool, too–so if you have any equipment, restraints, outfits, etc. that you don’t want anymore, maybe you could send them my way.
Or do you want me to pose and/or model in something? Send it to me, and as long as I can still keep my identity private, I’ll do what I can to appease you, Master! And I’ll be more than happy to feature them here on the blog if you’d like (although if you’d prefer it to be private, that can be arranged too).
I’m certainly not expecting anything. But if you do have old gear or socks lying around, it could be a fun way to see them get used.