So I told you big things were coming after my break. First of all, if you didn’t see it at my other blog yesterday (Captured Heroes Blog), I posted an exclusive set from TheUAJock that includes what is I’m sure a very smelly pair of socks.
But now I have a very special treat for all of you. I am fortunate to have a great friend and supporter with James T. Medak. If you don’t know him, he has authored many foot fetish books which are available at Amazon and other sources, both print and digital copies. (For the record, I receive absolutely no monetary compensation from these links. Just in case you think I’m pushing it for that. Not true, I just genuinely like them and want to spread the word.) He tends to write about foot worship, bondage, tickling, and often includes Master/slave dynamics. He also has a pretty hot tumblr if you are into feet. The pics with this post are pics of the feet of some of his straight friends that he’s lusted after for you to enjoy as well. We’ve been writing back and forth for a while, and I thought he’d be a great person to interview. So I hope you enjoy getting to know this footslavepig a little bit more.
How did you get started writing your stories?
I actually got into writing very surreptitiously. The big thing for me was then when I was a young teenager type, there were people on Forums who were able to, every day, post a pic of their own feet or a tickle drawing or a video or whatever — given the ever-evolving nature of fetishes the way that they are, I just couldn’t help but hungrily consume all of this whenever the opportunity presented itself. Those online Forums and sites like Grafmiller’s and RopeJock were all very important and very informative during those years. But, being a guy who was very worried about showing my own face, coupled with the fact that I couldn’t draw a good picture to save my life, the only thing I really had to contribute was my writing. I fancied myself a decent writer, and I got frustrated seeing the same ol’ things in story sections time and time again: material that was either terrible celebrity fanfic or rudimentary 2nd grade horny articulations of scenes we’ve seen time and time again (perhaps worst of all is the cardinal sin of any tickle story, wherein someone says “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” and that makes up for a lot of the dialogue. I knew what laughter sounded like — CAPS LOCK never made for a good reading device in those situations.
Thus, after I was stoned and horny and housesitting one night (‘cos I was responsible/didn’t have access to my usual porn), I decided to take a stab at a story that was ludicrously horny, mixing my male foot fetish and my tickling fetish as best as I could given my mindset. The following morning, sober, I read it, made some changes (and make sure the characters names stopped changing around), and then posted it on a Forum. I got a pretty positive response to it, which was humbling and reassuring, given how much time I always try to spend on making characters feel “real” before sending them off onto their horny adventures. Before long, I wrote another story, started to get commissions for other people’s stories and adaptations, and the rest, they say, is history.
About how many stories have you written?
Of my “officially published” ones, I have from what it seems like 26 stories. Include some of the ones I’ve written for various Forums or just haven’t released to the public for various reasons, then that pushes past 40 quite easily.
How much of your stories are based on true events or people?
In truth, I am a 100% terrible person. While I used to write a lot of fictional characters that were original creations or stand-ins or whatever, over time I just began writing people into my books wholesale, sometimes without even changing their first name (although that’s the only name that’s ever used in any given story). It’s all very much speculative/imaginative, but I find it way way easier and hotter to write about the things you’d like to do to a real life person more than anything else. In truth, there’s even a bit of an ulterior motive to even that: by writing my straight friends INTO my stories, I’m able to then, when I’m comfortable enough with them, actually start a dialogue not just about my fetish, but how they play into it. Now, obviously, I make sure I am standing on a firm bed of trust before I tell any of said friends about this, but I’m basically planting seeds for future conversation whenever I can. True to his form, my very best friend, who is very straight, I should note, I have written into every single one of my books thus far. He reads ’em as a way of supporting me, but casually skips over the chapters he knows are about him. It’s still great to have those dialogue points every now and then, and admonished me for having both “Barefoot” and “Flip-Flop” wines at my place, but it’s great/strange/weird to have these real life people eventually get into discussions where they’re talking about their feet. I call` that a victory on any front.
Also, it’s just really really fucking hot to articulate the feelings I have about my friends’ feet. Some of them are just … stunning …
I often don’t write about real-life experiences I have, as I very much like keeping those private, but there are two times where I creatively broke that rule. Once was in my first book when I wrote “My Ticklish Revenge”, which was based on a true-life event where a friend basically ended a dear friendship ‘cos his psycho girlfriend thought I was trying to get in his pants which lead to a big domestic whatever. So incensed I was by it (and his behavior after)< I channeled all of that into a fetish revenge story, and it reads a bit more “raw nerve.” The other one was from MWTFYH, called “The Roommate”, as it addresses the real life story of how, over a good stretch of time, I psychologically manipulated my junior-year college roommate into becoming an alpha dom tickle monster and occasional footmaster. I took some creative liberties with the story version, but in real life, I was AMAZED by what I turned him into. It was delicious and devious all the same …
How did you get your first book published? How has been the response?
For those stories I was posting on the Forum back in the “early days”, there was one person who just put in there a little thought atone point saying “man, you should get these published into a book!” I kind of laughed off such wonderful flattery at the time, but then the idea took hold. One of my New York tickle hookups (and really my oldest fetish friend, whom I’ve known since I was friggin’ 16), actually had a Christopher Trevor book when I visited him. Using that as a basis, I wound up looking up his publisher, they wound up having a bit of an open submission process, I got a hold of ’em, they were interested, and after much waiting and signing of contracts and drafts and whathaveyou … I became a published author. They published my first two books, but I put out my third one on my own imprint I set up, which I plan on using for any published material going forward.
While I do like to think that my Tumblr and Forum works are pretty darn cool/vaguely popular, the truth is that books — be they digital or physical — actually reach a completely different contingent of people than those even remotely connected to online fetish realms. I flipped my lid with excitement when I found out someone purchased my first book at a local Chicago store that, at the time, I had no idea about. I’ve only been publishing my stuff for a few years and I’ve only had my stupidly-popular Tumblr for just a little over a year. However, I keep getting messages from guys who say that I’ve influenced them or helped them realize that having a male foot or tickle fetish is actually OK and helped them towards acceptance. I’m still unsure of how to answer those notes, ‘cos I really don’t feel like I’m doing much: I’m just very out there with what I do, and I embrace these fetishes that have brought me so much goddamn happiness. If me being out there and being fucking proud over my deviously horny obsessions helps people, well fuck, I can’t think of a better motivation to keep doing it
Is there anything that turns you on that you haven’t yet written about? Are you still discovering new kinks about yourself, or your readers?
Oh I absolutely believe that sexuality is something that evolves over time. As much as some people want to deny it, your sexual interests never stay completely static. There’s always new edges and contours to explore, and sometimes entirely new interests that move along. I fucking LOVE a good cut cock, and really my love of all things edging has come out of years of tying guys down and tickling them senseless. Now, I have some straight-boy regulars that come to my place simply to be tied up and edged. That wasn’t something that was always there, but once I had this guy tied up and I saw his throbbing cock twitch and strain after a single featherstroke, I could actually feel those synapses in my brain just light up, saying “Oh … oh I like this.” I’ve thus become more obsessed with cock edging than I ever have before. My tickling fetish has dulled just a bit over time, my foot fetish has gone into fucking overdrive in the last few years, and, well, I got a special someone in my life who is a genius at finding new ways to get me rather hard rather quickly.
A lot of these changes manifest themselves in my writing (I do love how the median age of the characters tends to match my own over time), and if it’s good for the readers, then great. If not, well, I don’t write for them — which sounds weird, I know. However, my muse is singular, and I don’t want to write the same thing twice, so I just continue to write about what interests me and turns me on the most, and if people like it, then great! Judging by the responses I’ve been getting though, a lot of people share my own interests in numbers that I honestly never thought would be imaginable …
This is just part one! Interesting so far, no? But I wasn’t done yet. See you next week to learn more about this awesome foot guy, at Part 2 here.