Enjoy this final installment of the man behind some of the most popular foot fetish books out there. (If you missed Part 1, it’s here.) He’s also amazing at having the ability to get straight guys to send him pics of their feet. The foot in the header image is just one of those straight guys. But you can see the author himself tied up just like he deserves below. Looks a bit naked without a foot being shoved in his face, doesn’t he? I think we should all remedy that..
Do you consider yourself a foot top, bottom, or versatile?
There are kind of two answers to this. I *can* be versatile if I want to — and a recent hookup in a car in Boston where I was a fuckin’ footdom like you wouldn’t believe to prove it — but even with my occasional poses as a footdom, my fetish is to worship feet, to be owned by them, to be subjugated by their every toe and rule. I’m smart enough to identify how all sides work (and have had enough experience to have been on just about every possible side of the equation as you can imagine), and I like being able to articulate each perspective whether it be in my stories or in my captions on my Tumblr (which, let’s make no mistake, is the reason why I’m even vaguely popular on Tumblr at all), but to be totally honest, it’s not even close: I like seeing boys go crazy over my own too-soft soles, but my raging boner screams to life at the thought of licking, sucking, and serving the glory of bare male feet each and every time, and it’s for that reason it will always win that battle in the most glorious of ways.
What is it about foot fiction that turns you on, as opposed to pics or videos?
Don’t get me wrong: I have massive, extensive files of tickle/foot pics and videos to last for friggin’ years, but there’s a lot of things about fiction I just enjoy better. For one, you have an unlimited budget: any scenario, any story, any conceit you desire is at your fingertips, and you can make that world as much of a reality as you wish. It’s for that reason that I can get to my other favorite thing: writing my real-life friends into it. A majority of my friends are straight guys, and since I love straightboy feet more than life itself, several of them find their way into my many tomes. For one degree, you get a real sense of fantasy fulfillment there, which is just great. On another realm, when the right time strikes, depending on the friend I’m writing about, I might be able to mention to them directly that “oh hey, I wrote you into one of my books,” and suddenly they have all these gears running in their own mind about what that means, and then we can legitimately talk about their feet, my fetish, and whether or not forging ahead with a union of the two would be worthwhile. I’m aware of the long-shot prospects of such actions, much less their overall riskiness, but I fuckin’ LOVE getting guys to talk about their own feet, doubly so when they’re not even conscious about it.
Last but not least, with a photo or a video, you get erotic stimulation, sure, but with a story, you get investment, you get stakes on consequences, and you get a real impetus as to care about the characters and what happens to them. A tickling scene just by itself is fine, but a tickling scene where one someone’s trying to get something: resist spoiling a secret, forcing the other to sexually submit or break under pressure — those are times when there’s an intention to get there, and all the teasing and torture leading up to it carries that “will they or won’t they” weight. A pic is great, but sometimes a description, like “a Birkenstock sandal with sweatblackened sole prints,” send me in a tizzy. That’s partly why my Tumblr is so popular I think: anyone can post a picture, but by adding that caption, by providing that context, it can make it immeasurably hotter.
What’s been your personal favorite story you’ve written?
That is a surprisingly tough question. I love all my stories in one way or another, but if I really had to stretch it out, I’d narrow it down to three: “The Gallery” may well be my favorite, largely ‘cos the subject, Ryan, is one of my favorite all-time IRL foot crushes, and partially because the concept: of being stuck in a gallery where his feet are sticking out of a wall, where guys could fondle and pleasure them as much as he wants while the rest of him is stuck on the other side of the wall — was just too hot a concept for me. “One Finger” doesn’t contain my favorite subjects but I think the intention of it — the young buck running into the old master and getting all his machismo sucked right out of him — was fun (those were both from my latest book). However, for whatever reason, “The Belt”, about a master sending a horny footboy a chastity belt in the mail, watching him put it on via webcam, then cutting off contact before teasing him with feet until he goes 100% footinsane, was also a favorite. That one DOES star my #1 all-time IRL foot crush, but captured that glorious horny desperation better than anything else. Being horny for feet is great: being fuckin’ footdesperate is another world altogether …
Personal favorite kink experience you’ve actually done? Want to do?
I have had so many IRL foot, tickle, and edging experiences that it is so friggin’ hard (ha) to pick just one). I did like being a naughty boy when I came back into the country recently, had my flight in Boston get delayed and then cancelled, and being picked up by a Boston resident who just so happened to be one of my first-ever internet foot friends, key figure for when the fetish was developing, and pulled over on the side of a rainy Boston road around 1am, teased the living fuck out of his footbrain right there in the passenger seat, eventually smothering his face with my feet while getting him to chant “I am a footpig” over and over again while he jacked off. I then got to pig out on his own feet, and when he swung his fresh-out-of-shoes socked feet over to my lap, I could FEEL the warmth off them, and it was incredible. Right next to it if not above it was my entire junior year of college, where I manipulated my alpha straight male roommate into a guy that enjoyed tickling me and teasing me with his feet. Plus, licking his drunken passed-out soles while he slept was and always will remain one of my favorite foothorny memories.
In terms of want to do, it’s never as much about the action as it is about the person. There are guys in particular who I would practically kill for in order to play with their soles and toes. I write them into my stories as wish fulfillment (and, for the record, they are all straight), but man, if some of them knew, they’d fucking control me with a single toe-flick, and I would fuckin’ love it. Some of them are ticklish too …
How smelly do you like feet? How smelly do your own feet get? Any particular kind of foot get you off: smooth, rough, hairy, hairless, smelly, clean, dirty, etc.? Any advice on how to best get smelly feet?
What advice would you give for guys who don’t know how to bring up their fetish to other guys?
I used to be so paranoid and close-lipped about my own foot fetish that I’d almost never do anything about it. However, as time goes on, I’ve began gradually better at letting other people know about my foot fetish. There isn’t a “technique” to it, but the biggest thing is just making sure the person I’m speaking is someone I can trust. Every once in a while I might take one I *think* I can trust, but for the most part, most of those guys will hear about it and not care five minutes later. A lot of times we think this is SUCH a big deal to tell someone to, but it’s just, really, a very small aspect of your life (although I know all too well how sometimes it can feel like so much more). Tell who you want to tell, but in truth, if you don’t make too big a deal out of it, the other person won’t either. No one wants to be known as “the foot guy” around the office — there’s many unique and interesting things about your own life that people love as well. It’s a quirky thing about you, but not who you are all the way through. Just make sure you trust who you’re telling it to and don’t make it a life-or-death thing (which, I should not, I have done before), and the world will probably be OK
Hope you got to learn a little something! He’s a great guy, and I highly recommend his books. As some of you know, I’m even quoted on the back cover on one of his bo!