I’ve said it here before, but I’ll say it again… I’m generally not into fucking or ass play. I engage it in maybe once every 6-8 months, if even that. It’s just not my thing.
I know it is for a lot of other guys. And I can see the appeal. Even I can appreciate the look of a nice, tight, smooth asshole.

But sometimes I run into asses that appear ripped apart, and can take an arm up to the elbow. Or be double fisted. Or sit on a dildo that should be impossible to fit inside the human body. In those instances, I can actually get turned off.

I guess I’m sort of wondering how many guys are actually turned on by an ass like that. I imagine many are, and I can see the appeal on a psychological level: the bottom is ready for anything, so to speak. But seeing it in action like that… just not my cup of tea. I’ll take oral or even just a handjob to that.
That said, if it gets the bottom off (or the top, for that matter), then more power to them. But it doesn’t mean I have to see it.