I’ve noticed that since Christmas, this blog has been getting over 2,000 page views every single day! And on a few days, I’ve even crossed the 3,000 page view mark.

My twitter has been increasing as well, and I’d love to see it go up even more! So please give me a follow there… I often post previews, and make you aware of especially hot posts. And offer a few thoughts. It’s been fun engaging with other kinksters!

I’m quite sure this is all due to the passing of tumblr. While that does suck as a whole, I do want to thank all the readers out there who are either discovering, rediscovering, or have always been a loyal viewer! I do this content because I enjoy it.

I’ve also been getting an increased number of Recon cruises, many from guys across the globe. And a few messages from those who feel my scene work is impressive–and a few of those are coming from guys who have does some fairly experienced work themselves. In a way, I still don’t feel I’m as strong as a Dom as I’ve seen others be… but maybe I’m underestimating myself.

In any case, just want to send out a thanks to all of you who visit!

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