So I’ve been pretty quiet on twitter lately, because I’ve had a lot happening in my life lately that isn’t kink related. In fact, kink has been pretty far from my mind lately.

About a week ago, I posted how stressful things were for me already. In short: I have a major work event that has/had me working 16 hour days for a full week (it just ended last night), multiple friends and family members are going through various medical situations (elderly relatives injuring brittle bones, as well as dementia, and friends undergoing surgery, one with breast cancer–very early stage, thank goodness, and yet another friend in San Fransisco experiencing seizures due to a brain tumor). Additionally, about a week ago, I was in the middle of a major work dispute that resulted in lost wages. Not to mention the fact that I’m experiencing my own medical issues right now as well. Fortunately, especially by comparison, mine are not life threatening. But it was certainly affecting my life, and, interestingly enough, it’s a condition that may have actually been kink related. I’ll be posting about that one in a few weeks.

But of lately, there’s even been more piled on top of that. I just recently found out another dear friend of mine that I’ve known for over 20 years had been put in the hospital for a seizure. It turns out he also has a brain tumor, and his is inoperable, so he has been suddenly given only weeks to live and moved into hospice. So yes, I have not one, but two different people suffering with brain tumors right now, and this one is fatal and quick.

I’m so sad beyond words. This awful situation is made even worse by the fact that he lives half-way across the country, so a visit isn’t possible (he has also requested no visitors). And he’s basically too weak to even talk on the phone. So I have to be reduced to writing a letter to tell him what he means to me (I am told he is receiving and hearing letters). But how do you write a letter saying good bye to a 20 year long friendship? It’s an impossible task.

While this is all very bleak, there is at least some good news to share. My friend with the breast cancer is doing quite well under the relative circumstances (she didn’t even need chemo, just radiation), most of my elderly relatives are doing better with their injuring, my friend in San Fransisco with his brain tumor found out his is in remission, and my own medical issues are slowly clearing up (but not without some substantial changes to my lifestyle–mainly my kink lifestyle. Again I’ll write more about this one later).

Hopefully the universe is done unloading for a little bit… not sure how more I can take. The upswing of some of the good news is giving me some hope. But definitely not looking forward to writing that letter.

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