I’ve been blogging for a long time (nearly 14 years by now), and in that period, many things have changed. I’ve gone from essentially having very little gear and no relationship to quite a bit of gear and a happy marriage where I occasionally do bondage/feet scenes on the side.
Back in the early days, I’d say my biggest fantasy was to be mummified. I had never experienced it before, and was super anxious to.
Since them, I now not only have a Deluxe Leather Sleepsack (with custom feet access) that I frequently get tied in, I was fortunate to get fully duct tape mummified by TheUAJock (full pics here).

So what’s on my current wishlist now? Frankly, not all that much! But one major piece of gear still eludes me, one other would be fun to have, and two experiences.
In terms of gear, I’d love to try (and possibly own) a vac bed. Many years ago, a very generous reader of my blog allowed me to try out his vac cubes, both standing and kneeling. It was a great time. (See more here and here.) He was going to allow me to try out his vacbed, but it had unfortunately sprung a leak, and we didn’t get to. And I still haven’t had a chance to be in one. They look amazing, and it is something I’d like to experience.

Next on my wishlist, a full vacbed experience.

Something else that’s on my radar would be to try out a Venus milker. I see them in a few posts here and there, and they do look pretty amazing. I do enjoy my Fleshlight, but having something so versatile and hands free could be pretty cool. I bet they feel incredible.
In terms of gear, that’s really about it! All the rest that I wanted I essentially have, or are just not really interested. I don’t really have any real interest in elctro or sounding, and I haven’t found a convenient chastity device that works on me (because my balls are so small, I constantly slip out–if anyone know of a good device that would work in that case, I could be open. I have tried the belt kind, and while that worked, it was very bulky.).
There are some experiences I’d like to still have, though… and I’ll discuss those next week.