So as I mentioned before, I took a trip to San Francisco. And I’ve more or less given up on ever having any scenes up there, so I didn’t even really try. Just enjoyed the tourist sights. (There are a few I’m holding out some hope, lol.)
But this time, I was able to socially meet TapedAndTortured, and his partner rbbrchris (Note: rbbrchris is not currently active on twitter, but you can see his past posts). They were incredibly generous and hospitable in allowing both myself and my husband into their home and showing us their playroom–which is truly a sight to behold. (The first three pics below are of rbbrchris in their playspace.)
His pics were very well known on tumblr and now twitter. I got a grand tour of the playspace, which is actually on two levels! He also has a portfolio of nearly all the scenes he’s done, and has built much of his furniture himself. You may also recognize both of them from SeriousMaleBondage. A few items were actually acquired from them! He’s also tied up James Oakleigh, JimmyUSMC/HeavyBondageforLife, and Trikoot among a myriad of others.
Once I told him I was making this post, he volunteered to send me some pics of his playspace, so you can see it in its entirety. Many piece he built himself, but not all. A few, like the chair you see below, was originally from the website SeriousMaleBondage.
It was amazing to meet them both, and humbling to know they are a fan of my blog. Perhaps I can get to play with them on my next visit.