For longtime readers of this blog, SBS_Justin was one of my first, and very hot, cyber slave. We had a very deep cyber relationship via email (this was before cell phones and texting was a thing). While he lives across the country from me, we did get to meet once in person some time ago. But it’s been cyber/texting ever since, and he finds that very unsatisfying at this stage in his life. For various reasons, he’s abruptly cut me off, making it sometimes difficult for me to reach him.

So I need to show him some revenge. He does still check this blog from time to time. When we did meet in person before (Slave Training Part 1 and Slave Training Part 2), he asked me not to post any of the pics. Which I never did.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I did see some pics of our scene floating around on tumblr (back when that was a porn thing… remember those days?). I traced them back to a tumblr blog he himself ran, and he had posted the pics himself. So I don’t feel bad for sharing them here, now. To further humiliate him.

As it turns out, he did talk to me again, and he sounded very, very stable. Different, but it a good way… like he had gained confidence. I was quite proud of him, actually. I kept the conversations friendly, but he did bring up some ideas he had for possibly meeting in person one day (there was a chance I’d be headed his way).

Just when this was all apparently going very well, he changed his email on me (and his KIK has been deleted for some time). So I unfortunately don’t have a way to contact him again.

But I do know he still visits this blog, so I hope he does contact me again, because I do have some ideas for him. He knows my email on this blog.

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