Back in the day when I was coming out (both as gay and kinky), there was no internet. As hard as it may be to believe, there was a time for many of us where we grew up without any internet or cell phones.

This meant that finding kink wasn’t as easy as it is now. Back then, you have to either call a phone line, do personal ads in the newspaper, or purchase books and/or magazines.

I’ve talked about my first kinky magazine before, Bound & Gagged. And in that magazine were ads for bondage videos from Graphik Arts. They turned me on so much, I ordered quite a few of them. They were about $60 bucks a pop… quite expensive for me at the time… can you imagine paying $60 for a single 60 minute bondage movie? And I probably got about 15 or so (over time, of course).

Well, my husband and I were clearing out the garage, and I ran across my old pile of tapes. I probably hadn’t watched them in decades. But I did have an old VHS tape player, and not too long ago, I got a digital converter, so I can make them all digital format. It’s a long process, as it needs to be done in real time. Fortunately, I had all the tapes already queued up to my favorite scenes.

No, I’m not going to upload all of them. But I tweeted one some time ago, and here’s another short one.
Hard Use, Graphik Arts

They’re not all bondage from Graphik Arts. This one was from a foot fetish video called From Feet to Meat. I don’t recall the publisher… does anyone know? (It’s not listed on the case.) In any case, that blonde twink is still super sexy to me.

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