So a few months ago, I posted how I was having some health issues (non-life threatening), and they were likely related to sniffing my rancid socks so frequently.

I’ve been treated for a number of months, and while my health and condition have dramatically improved, I can’t say they’ve gone away 100%. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is considered normal and healthy, and 10 was the worst of my symptoms, I’d say I had been living with a 9 or 9.5 for nearly ten years.

The initial medication, which was a combination of oral steroids and inhaled steroids, cleared up my condition practically 100%. But for obvious reasons, I don’t want to be on oral steroids the rest of my life. (Apparently, the inhaled version I’m taking is much safer, and very little or no side effects.) And within a few months, once the oral steroids ran out, both I and my husband agreed that in terms of my condition I had leveled out and remained at about a “4” on the health scale.

I have also had to take his suggestion to cut back on sock/shoe sniffing. As you should suspect, that is not ideal for me. To be honest, the doctor wanted me to stop entirely, but as you can all guess, that’s not very realistic. I used to sniff my socks and socks every single night. It was usually, however, only a quick sniff… not long, deep inhales that you may imagine. That was saved more for sex and jerking off, and even then, since I tend to cum rather quickly, it wasn’t for all that long. So perhaps surprisingly, even to me, it hasn’t been as hard to cut back as I imagined. I’ve mainly stopped the daily sniffing, and save it for a good session (maybe 5-10 min) a few times a month.

A “4” is much, much better than what I was going through before, but back to a 1 would be ideal, so we’re continuing treatment. Since we’re always monitoring how it’s going (again, the doctor has warned it can return, so I have a feeling this monitoring will be ongoing for a while), he put me on a lower dosage of oral steroids. As of now, I’d say I’m maybe at a “3”. So not sure how this is going to go. I may just have to live with a “4”… which, honestly, my years of being at a 9/9.5 were so bad, a 4 feels like a major relief.

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