While I still enjoy this blog, and interactions on my twitter and newly formed instagram, in real life, I haven’t been doing nearly as many meets, scenes, or even much cyber play in recent times.

Even I’m not entirely sure why, but I do have a few thoughts. One, I’ve just been very, very busy lately with personal life and work. None of it bad or negative, really… but been going to a lot of events or appointments (that weren’t kink related) for various reasons. For about 6 weeks, I had some sort of event or appointment literally every single day, including many that happened after my usual work day. It’s become quite exhausting, so when I do have some free time, I don’t feel like doing much of anything except resting.

Another aspect is cost. Because I live with my husband, we both agreed we shouldn’t do meets at our house (as he frequently works from home). And typically the other guy can’t host, so that means I have to get a hotel room… which really adds up expenses after a while, even if they’re cheap hotels. It’s basically at least $100 a pop. I pay it because it’s fun for me, but after many meets and all the other events/appointments listed above, trimming down expenses has become necessary for me, and it’s something I can relatively easily cut back on.

Thirdly, I also generally only try to meet guys while my husband is out of town (not to be secretive… he knows, but when he’s around, I generally want to prioritize him). And he isn’t traveling nearly as much as he used to. So the opportunity hasn’t really been their either. He’s always happy to make an exception if there’s someone I really want to work with, but I want to keep those as exceptions, and not regular occurrences.

And strangely, on a personal note, I’m not actually missing it all that much. Sometimes taking a break can help invigorate you more for the future. Again, I’m talking about real life meets/cyber play, not this blog. To me, it’s relatively easy to keep this blog and social media going, because it’s quick, easy, and on my own terms. But real life meets take a lot more effort, time, and money, and I’m mostly going to be hitting the pause button on that for the foreseeable future.

All that said, interestingly enough, I’ve been chatting with quite a few new (to me) guys on Recon who are local to me, and seem very responsive. So there may be some play in the future if this keeps up.

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