In case you’ve never heard of him, David DeCoteau is a filmmaker. He’s incredibly prolific, and his films are of interest here due to their large amounts of young make skin, and the occasional bondage. It’s basically one step down from softcore gay porn.
He’s been making films since 1986 (and still is to this day! More on that later), but he really came into his own with Voodoo Academy and The Brotherhood in 2000. At the time, he called those movies “horror movies for preteen girls”. Bloodless and hokey, they did show a lot of gratuitous shirtlessness. In VooDoo Acadmeny, there are long, extended scenes of young shirtless twinks writhing in a bed, “possessed”. See for yourself below. Protip: have a sense of humor, and it’ll actually be very enjoyable. Drew Fuller is in this movie.
The Brotherhood kicked things up a notch even more, and a cult creator was born. You can tell right away if this movie interests you based on the trailer. At the time, aside from actual porn, I had never seen something so blatantly homoerotic.
He does seem to favor tighty whities and white boxer briefs, but I’m okay with that. Though sadly, many of the hot guys did remain in white socks (which is good news for sock guys, of course), and very few were barefoot. On a side note, the first sequel (of which there are now many) stared Sean Farris!
Slowly, some more bondage elements began creeping into his films. The bondage is not accurate, but it’s still entertaining, and occasionally barefoot (I seem to recall some barefoot bondage at the end of the movie Speed Demon). Leeches is probably one of my favorites of his that I’ve seen (though I certainty haven’t seen all of them… his list of films is enormous). A bunch of college swimmers who always seem to be in speedos uniform make this this very campy movie enjoyable, plus there is a (socked) bondage scene. And being from LA, I’ve personally visited this set while attending a friend’s wedding party. Go figure.
He’s since created some new series called the 1313 films, and venturing in 666. I’ve seen a few of the 1313 films, and they make the above movies look like Citizen Kane. He brags that he can often shoot an entire movie in just about 3 days, and it really shows here. All the 1313 movies seem to be shot in the same house, and have very extended scenes of a guy wandering around alone saying, “Hello? Guys? Anyone here? Hello? Anyone?”. After 15 minutes of this, it’ll they usually flash to him squirming around in his underwear (sometimes tied up) for a few minutes, then it repeats with the next guy. Still, fun to look (and laugh) at, as you can see from the pics below (which I believe are mostly from 1313 UFO Invasion).

He’s still very active, and has now even made some Lifetime Channel movies, notably The Wrong Boyfriend and The Wrong Roommate. Which are less on the eye candy, but he does still acknowledge his roots. And again, I did recognize a few LA locations. Ah, the Hollywood life.