I know that among other things, I’m known for my cyber play. I’ve been fortunate enough to have some great and amazing times with cyber slaves, and have actually even become friends with a select few (namely LL_slavej). And many guys who began as my cyber slaves I’ve actually been fortunate enough to meet in person (Freezeman, SockBitchSlave, and few others I can’t name yet).

But I have to confess, while I still dabble on occasion, my interest in it is waning a bit. I think there’s a few reasons for this.

First, I’ve been having a lot more real life meets (way more than I ever expected I would). So I’m getting out a lot of those fantasies I’ve had during cyber play in real life. (Playing with my husband counts here as well.)

Secondly, from a creative point of view, I’m sort of running out of ideas of ways to humiliate slaves during cyber play. I’ve been doing it for so long, I sort of feel like I’ve gotten every idea I’ve wanted to try out of my system, and am semi-bored repeating myself. That said, on occasion, I’ll either get in a mood, or a new slave will come along who’s eager, and I can’t resist such enthusiasm. But nowadays it’s pretty short-lived.

Lastly–and I’ve felt this way for a while–I feel there’s a natural progression where cyber play isn’t meant to be long term. Eventually, a slave comes to a point where they really just need to experience a real life scene. I do realize that some are in locations/situations where real life play may not be an easy option. But I’ve noticed in general, most cyber slaves will naturally taper off over time. A few will come back after a period. But it diminishes over time, and I totally understand why.

So I think to a certain degree, now I’m beginning to feel that diminishment myself. I’m sure I’ll still dabble in it once in a while, but not as much as I used to.

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