I’ve posted about a health issue that I’ve been having that, while not life threatening, was causing fairly severe discomfort–and there was a chance they were related to my smelly sock sniffing habits. (Past updates here and here).

It’s been going up and down, and I was recommended by the doctor to try to eliminate the sock sniffing. Well, we can all guess here that I couldn’t stop it entirely, but I did cut back, and I’ve actually cut back so much, I’m hardly doing it at all anymore. A once daily habit became something I now maybe do once or twice a month, if even that.

Perhaps because of that, or perhaps because of the medical issue itself (which continues to come and go), I’ve seem to lost a bit of my sex drive. I haven’t been feeling nearly as kinky as I have been. I haven’t been as interested in doing cyber play, and I haven’t been doing as many meets lately (although for the later, schedule also comes into play–haven’t had much time for a meet recently even if I did want to have one).

Even more frustrating, it’s really hard to say if abstaining from sock sniffing has even improved my health issue. We thought it was one condition–I had some issues with my lungs that did show up in a chest x-ray over a year ago, but even though a more recent x-ray shows that lung issue is now gone, I’m still suffering.

We do have one latest guess, though. And it may turn out to be something more common, but something that’s not happened to me before–I may have asthma. I took a lung/breathing exam that indicated as much. I’ve just started on an inhaler, and while not yet 100%, I am doing better. It’s a bit odd, because I’ve never (knowingly) had it before, so it’s all new to me. But we’ll see if this helps.

One thing I have to add… the moment I posted about losing my sex drive a bit on twitter, I got a very kind message from the great BroconG, who gave me permission to share it here:

FYI, two minor typos: “apartment” meant “apartment mate”, and the last sentence should start, “You’ll get your flame going…” Minor typos aside, it’s a very kind thing to say, and a reminder we are not alone in how we feel.

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