So if you saw this post a while ago, I talked about seeing how a few guys online were posting pics of ankle “slave” chains, and I was intrigued. I did end up making my own ankle chain! It was actually quite easy.

I was fortunate enough to find a dog choke chain at a local dollar store. I already had some bolt cutters, so I simply cut the chain to my size and added a padlock! Results below.

As I hinted to earlier, though, because of my job situation, I’m not really able to wear it often. Still, it’s fun to have and put on occasionally. And I was able to wear it a lot during the quarantine, so that was one plus. I was also able to grab a few more chains, and I’ve made a few more to perhaps put on future slaves.

I even ran into another online pic of another guy wearing one. So hot! And surprisingly easy to make.

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