So I haven’t discussed much about how my life has changed due to the quarantine/Covid-19, but in a way, that’s because it hasn’t changed all that much. Both my husband and I are fortunate enough to still be working. I suppose that’s news enough, because as of this writing, 55% of Los Angeles has filed for unemployment.

My husband’s work has always been from home. He used to travel on occasion, but that has been suspended. My work has shifted to home, and while it’s been a learning curve, I’m now relatively settled into a routine. I much prefer the old version of my job, but at this point, I’m just happy to be working and getting full paychecks. I have had many friends lose work, so my heart goes out to all who are affected in that sense. We also have separate offices, so we don’t disturb each other.

I did have one acquaintance (non-kinky) confess on Facebook that he actually had Covid-19, and that it was a horrible experience. The worst part seems to be feeling like you can’t breathe, which would be terrible. Spread the word, and be safe. It’s no joke.

But every dark side has some positives if you look for them. One is that I’ve been able to reconnect with many distant and old friends and family via Zoom. Zoom was something I had never even heard of before all this, and now I’m a semi expert. But it has been wonderful to see and hear from people that are so far away, that I usually don’t get to talk to.

The second perk is that since my husband and I are continuously home, we have been able to rekindle our kinky sex life a little bit. Her’s a preview of some very recent pics taken during the quarantine, and I suspect there will be more coming.

In fact, since we are saving all the money we would have spent on events and travel, we have a bit of surplus cash on hand, so we’ve actually been ordering some new gear. In the first two pics, I’m modeling some thigh restraints my husband just got, and you can see the new jock I just got from Mr. S. If you’ve never seen it before, half the fun is the label… take a close look.

Aside from that, we’re also able to catch up on a lot of backlogged TV (we only recently got caught up on season 3 of Stranger Things, lol), and are trying to get out hiking when we can. Technically, hiking on trails is still illegal here in Los Angeles (or at least was at the time of this writing), but we have used the opportunity to walk around scenic towns. We also have a local college campus nearby that we’re enjoying touring.

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