It’s been interesting that during the quarantine time, I was still getting messages and cruises on Recon. On the one hand, I can understand if someone is just wanting to talk. But I’d say about half were interested in meets.
My first reaction was: bitch, we’re in a quarantine. But I do understand it. I think some are in lower risk areas, or, frankly, some just don’t care about the risk.
My husband has been very, very cautious about this. He doesn’t even like it when I go out for errands on my own. While part of me feels he’s being overly cautious about this, I do get his main point: if I get, he’ll likely get it as well since we live together.
And in that regard, I can’t blame him. Even I’m not willing to risk his health just for a scene with another guy.
Since it seems to be spread from saliva and spit, and can be passed from even just spittle from close conversation, any scenes I’d do in the near future (if the happen at all) would still need to wear masks, and probably wouldn’t have any sexual play at all… just clothed bondage, and maybe feet play at best. And even that’s optimistic, though things are always changing.
I’ll likely need a vaccine before I’d feel fully comfortable with an outside scene. And that’s about a year away, give or take. And so in the meantime, I hid my Recon profile. If you try to search for it, you won’t see it. I didn’t outright delete it, but I will confess, I was getting frustrated with the level of guys contacting me. Again, I understood if someone reached out just to chat–and those guys can still contact me here or on twitter. But a fair number were asking about a possible meet. And I just didn’t even know what to say to that. I thought it was just easier, and a lot less stressful for me, to just hide it and cut off all new messages.
While it’s a bit of a bummer to have to go to such extremes, to me it’s worth it to be safe and healthy for not just me, but my husband as well. And hey, I do have him around as a sexual outlet, so all is not lost.