I can’t take any credit for these… but I loved both of these ideas, and wanted to pass them along.
I was fortunate enough to once visit TapedAndTortured (and his partner, RbrrChris) on a visit to San Francisco a couple of years ago. While no scene happened, my husband and I got a tour of their playspace, and it’s about as great as it looks in all their pics. In the tweets below, they share their plan on how to build their wooden bed cross!
Next, while I don’t know this person, I will admit I’ve seen quite a few pics lately of a “triple nose hook”. While you can’t really buy it in the stores, this profile talks about how to jerry-rig one yourself.

Oh, and one bonus post… when I told TapedAndTortured I was going to post his tweets about his bed cross, his replay was this.
Can’t argue that, and some feet torture! I think he knows me well.